
Straight from our farm, for you!


Know the product

Our goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. Our mission to protect the planet must not blind us to the reality of the work we have to keep doing to build and maintain our organisation as a safe space for creative, collaborative activism.
Nutritional information

In addition to being refreshing and tasty, coconut water is indicated for hydration and replacement of mineral salts. Rich in potassium, and very low in calories, it is an excellent option for those looking for a healthy diet.


Following our strict quality standards, Terra Coco is produced with fruits of differentiated quality, in soil specially prepared for water rich in flavor and nutrients. Terra Coco is bottled in Brazil, in an aseptic environment, duly registered with the competent bodies.


Keep in an airy place, protected from the sun and heat.
Consume preferably chilled.
After opening, keep refrigerated up to 10oC and consume within 1 day.

Extra information

A large part of the production of coconut in natura is destined to the production of coconut water, a 100% whole product, without the addition of any type of preservative. The brand will have as a differential the chilled product, in glass packaging, totally recyclable.


planting and harvesting

It is everyone's right that products on the market have quality, are safe and healthy for consumption, and that their production processes are also established under the demands of sustainability - environmental, social and economic performance favorable to current and future needs - aiming at construction of an ever better society.

Selective harvest

Always seeking to harvest the best product, without harming nature.


Reusing the peels removed from the fruits for the manufacture of feed and fertilizers

Species preservation

We work to always maintain life on our farm, whether plant or animal.


Harvest and planting carried out in due time of soil purification





O Certificado Halal tem por objetivo garantir produtos lícitos e seguros para a comunidade muçulmana mundial, ao passo que busca evoluir tecnicamente a partir das principais normas de países islâmicos.

Certificadora: FAMBRAS HALAL


HACCP - Codex Alimentarius

O HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (Sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle) é um sistema preventivo de controle da segurança dos alimentos. Implementado na produção de nossa água de coco, o sistema avaliou todas as etapas do processo, da recepção de frutos à expedição do produto.

Certificadora: APCER BRASIL



Hoje em dia, a certificação Kosher passou a ser sinônimo de qualidade máxima em alimentos, para muito além de um dogma religioso com origem na Bíblia Judaica. Para ser Kosher, um alimento precisa ser aprovado em relação à sua procedência, processo de fabricação e eventual influência de outros produtos e linhas de produção dentro da fábrica. Deve apresentar pureza à toda prova e segurança alimentar, atributos que abrem as portas aos produtos promovendo a expansão dos negócios mundo afora.

Certificadora: Brasilian Kashrus Authority – BKA


Discover other flavors

Be sure to also discover all the other flavors based on coconut water, same product, same quality, different flavor.
Health in a Bottle a 100% natural, refreshing drink – rich in nutrients that help to balance and protect our body and immune system.
It provides our body with all resources and fuelto stay healthy

100% Coconut Water

Coconut Water + Raspberry + Pomegranate


Coconut Water + Pineapple


Coconut Water + Cranberry


Coconut Water + Passionfruit


Coconut Water + Detox

Coconut is a fruit with a low glycemic index and rich in fibers that help control hunger and improve the functioning of the intestine.

looking for innovation with new products

A brand that never stops innovating, seeking to improve our product ranges, and we are offering a range of products made from coconut water, with a new flavor and quality differential never offered before, a refreshing and tasty drink that you can only find at Pure Latin.
Products made naturally, with the aim of always offering you the best for your health and well-being, such as:

Hydrates the body
Prevents cramps
Cleans the skin
Improves nausea, heartburn and reflux
among others..
Don't be in doubt, talk to us, we'll help you with whatever you need

Get in touch

Do you have questions or want to know more about the product? So get in touch, we’d love to know more about you, and help you choose the best coffee for your taste!
